Tools stalker call of pripyat
Tools stalker call of pripyat

tools stalker call of pripyat

Don't get me wrong, the weapons of STALKER will make you play a different way depending on exactly what you chose, but that's something you pick up while playing.

tools stalker call of pripyat

The main reason I'm not covering every weapon, armor, and artifact is because, unlike Far Cry 2, weapons are more similar to each other, and usually only have statistical differences. Today, I'd like to introduce some of my favorite equipment that meets this criteria, in the hopes of helping some newcomers to the zone have an easier time. Sure, all equipment has it's positives and negatives, and you can beat the game with pretty much anything, but some stuff stands above the rest in terms of usability, stats, and just being awesome, even if it's only by a small amount. However, not all equipment is created equal. There's dozens of weapons, armors, and artifacts you can use to conquer the zone and all of it's challenges. It's original, it's unique, it's atmospheric, it's challenging, it's Slavic, and its got a hell of a lot of variety when it comes to what sort of things you can use in the game. is a game series which I really admire for many reasons. Well, after writing up a complete Far Cry 2 weapons guide and getting tons of good reception, and studying CoP for many hours as well as playing through the normal game multiple times, I think there are a few reasons why what I say is cool, and will probably help someone.

tools stalker call of pripyat

You're probably wondering "Who is this c*ka and why should I care about what he thinks the best stuff is?". Who am I? I'm just some random dude on steam who really likes S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. Woulda walked myself straight into an anomaly ages ago if that were the case.

Tools stalker call of pripyat